Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Yes, you, and can.

Maybe the 3 best words in the English language.  Well, aside from Wine, Nordstrom, and Botox (or maybe those are just mine!!)  

Are there three more positive words that can be used in most situations?   

What are your goals in life?  What do you want to accomplish during your time on this earth?  How do you want to be remembered by your friends, family, and especially your children?

I never thought that running a half marathon would be something I wanted to accomplish in my life, but it has turned out to be more than just finishing 13.1 miles.  I set my goal to complete this race, but I have accomplished more, in the mean time, than I ever thought I could.

Last week I went for a morning run on my day off work.  After working several long days in a row you would think that on a day off I would sit down and catch up on my Netflix.  No Way!! I couldn't wait to get out there and run.  It is time for me to decompress and put my thoughts in order.  I set a goal to run 3 miles and I did 6.  I started training for this half marathon just hoping to finish, but that day I ran 6 miles with 10 min and 37 second splits.  6 weeks ago I was worried I wouldn't even do under 12 minute miles.

I have gained 2 pounds and I eat 25% more than I did before I started training, but I am eating better because it gives me fuel.  I can tell the difference in my body when I hydrate well and when I eat a handful of chips versus a handful of carrots.  It's like a domino effect.  You start one part of doing something for yourself and the rest follows.  My clothes fit so much better, and I never have to worry that my clothes are not going to fit right (well, except my jeans...quads and jeans-you can't have both).  OH, and my resting heart rate is under 60 beats per minute (that's good).

Is there something you want to do for yourself?  Do you want to eat healthier or be stronger? Why wait any longer? 

The best thing about all this is that the other night my 8 year old daughter asked me if we could go for a walk before it got dark.  She said she wanted to get some exercise so she can be strong like Mommy....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (and I am just getting started)!!!


In good health,


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